The first of many posts. Perhaps

I read today that 7,000,000 blogs now exist on the interweb. Crazy, no? Just think if those seven million people had decided to join together and create some kind of global army to fight injustice across the world instead of moaning about there HDtv and posting pictures of their cats, we would have world peace.
Well this blog isnt about signing up for this army. I for one would be rubbish leader - I know for a fact that I would not look good as a bust, let alone a statue - and let's face it the idea just isn't feasible. Many of those seven million people will be too young or old to fight, or even fat. No, this blog is just my way of communicating with you - the blank vast nothingness of internet blogsurfers. Like many (if not all) other bloggers, I have enough spare time and a highly inflated opinion of myself so feel the world can only benefit from my wisdom and musings.
So if you want a mixture of hard edged political opinion, biting topical satire, and great pictures like this one, feel free to visit here as often as you like.
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