Noel Edmonds won't return my calls!

What a celeb-tastic day I've had, chilling with Keira Knightley, Noel Edmonds and Armando Ianucci. Well, I say chilling, I mean leaving messages on their agents' answerphones. Still, I got a buzz. Someone will listen to my voice who has also listened to Noel Edmond's voice! I'll be pictured in Hello by the end of the week at this rate.
To top all this showbiz madness, I got called up for an interview to be on some tv show about being a producer. Don't think I'd enjoy being on tv that much, but then it could be the making of me. And who knows, one day maybe I won't be returning Noel's calls, and we'll see how he likes it.
I think the programme involves me coming up with ideas for dyn-o-mite tv shows, here are the one I put on my application:
Bio-Cop - a futuristic cop drama set in a world where love is illegal, and people fly around jet powered skateboards
Celebrity Addict Island - celebrities like Pete Doherty and TPT are left on an island, with a cocktail of cocaine, crack and WKD (who would sponsor the show) given to whoever the public votes for the most every Friday. You would be evicted if you vomited or your septum caved in.
Religion Factor - show in which different leaders from different leaders have to impress Simon Cowell, Sharon Osbourne and Bishop Desmond Tutu.
Bio-Lovejoy - I suggested that they brought back Lovejoy, but he had titanium arms, and would have to juggle trying not to drop antiques and learning to love (he also has a bionic heart).
These three suggestions were deemed good enough to summon me to the old smoke to meet my destiny. Hopefully if I am on tv some people will actually visit my blog. Big Love to you all out there. Keep it real.
Hey guys!
I know some folks here who have gotten results with Male-Extra penis enhancement pills. Im just about to order as i've been hearing amazing results with it. But first off, I want to know if Male Extra does it work as good as they say it does?
I know 1-2 inches Penis growth is realistic and easily accomplished. But I'd like REAL FAST penis growth in the 5 inches range. Dont laugh, I want to have the best penis growth possible because my new girlfriend dated a friggin porn stud!
Guys here know what im talking about?
I make that I NEED to know the best way to enlarge Penis. Male-extra pills promises 3 inches growth within several weeks or they return your money. So I guess that essentially means, if my penis dont grow real fast? They lose money, coz I got to use the pills at the same time get my money back right?
Does this seem like a scam?
Please reply at the soonest possible time!
I need to make a decision fast!
Im already sold on it to be honest, but I just need that one last push so I dont put this off any longer.
The advertisement for the pill I last saw at this site. I hope its still there.
K guys thanks. Hope to hear your feedback alright? Bye :D
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