Fine, I admit it

The novelty of my blog is wearing off. I thought within a week I would have a legion of fans all telling me how great I am. Instead, I have one fan who seems to be a hippy, and have realised that blogging is not really in keeping with my cool image. It has ruined my street cred on more than one occasion.
That's right. My street cred, thanks to this blog, is in tatters.
But don't think that means I'm going to give up. Oh no. I will use this blog to change the perception of blogging around the world. This is my cause. By the end of the year, someone admitting to not writing a blog will result in a sneer and possible throwing of garbage at them. I haven't decided about the garbage yet.
Anyway, back to less important matters (my life) I have finished at the Independent which was actually a very successful placement. I liked the people there, I enjoyed a lot of what I did, it was relaxed, I got to speak to D list celebs, and I'm published today! My first byline! Buy the Independent on Sunday, looking the Review, turn to page 7, and there I am.
I'm pretty chuffed really.
Well, I've realised this blog needs more than just hilarious and insightful bio-commentary to keep you hooked (you greedy, greedy lot) so here are some links to stuff that is good.
First up, two new Outkast songs from Idlewild.
Second, a picture of a cat as a DJ (above) which you are welcome to save, put on your phone, share with your friends. I'm not sure which of these things are better.
Now I'm off to watch the charity shield in a pub with loads of Chelsea hating Arsenal fans. I had a dream last night that Ashely Cole signed for Liverpool. Hmmm. Watch this space.
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