God I am so pissed off right now. Im not going to get into the gritty details but....never mix friends and money. Business and pleasure. Its just not a good idea. And also, never, ever use Leaders property agents in the UK. They are fucking shit.
Scuse my french. Where did that phrase come from exactly? French doesnt sound much like swearing to me. Maybe my pronunciation is off.
Got Idlewild today. Disappointing. Apparently is a 'soundtrack' not an album so it is allowed not be as good as the other Outkast albums. Maybe it will grow on me.
Still buzzing from the charity shield win. Had a good weekend actually. Got another interview tomorrow, for a boring boring job, so fingers crossed. If my job is really shit I am more likely to write here so its good new for you guys, the punters. Without your support I wouldnt be here.
Still angry. Why cant we all just get along. Oh well
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