Web 2.0 indeeeeeed

So I was reading about Web 2.0 today and I thought 'what the hell is that'. Well actually I may have thought something ruder than that because I was in a bad mood today (scanner problems). Well, actually this is Web 2.0. And what makes it so? Because unlike naff old Web 1.0 which was essentially a big yellow pages with porn in, now we all look at the Internet as a social networking environment. An e-infrastructure of electronic socio-bio-diversity. If you will.
The fact that the BBC website now allows people to comment on the news as just shows how things are changing. Everything, eventually, will be a blog. Then we will get bored of that and move to Web 3.o which will involve Virtual Reality helmets I imagine.
A job has come up at Playstation magazine and I want it soooo bad. Sooo bad. Playing video games and writing about it and being paid must be up there as the best jobs in the world. I'm going to apply, but will find it hard to convince them I have as much burning passion for the industry as those who only pause from online Halo to go to work experience and write for Gamesmaster.
Well, wish me luck.
Oh, and if you too love this whole Web 2.0 thing, check out the Web 0.5 (ie shit) website I made when I was 15, http://freakster.cjb.net then read this, then look at that again and then spend five minutes looking into your belly button and thinking about how connected we all are...and how in a way I am connected to my past self through this hyperlink in a way that cannot be truly replicated in reality. What after all is any less real about the internet as it becomes more and more interactive than real life?
Deep eh? I better put a picture up of a hamster or something