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Friday, March 09, 2007

The quarter life crisis

Someone told me today that they had read a book called 'The Quarter Life Crisis' about how Uni leavers today face often become depressed. The more I have thought about it the more I have realised how true this is, thousands graduate every year with such high expectations, and end up losing their friends, their significant other, their independence and, in many cases, their ambition within months.

Luckily I have managed to avoid these pitfalls due to some luck and being a bit of a lone wolf anyhow, but I do think students should be prepared more for the sudden change in lifestyle. Or maybe less people should be students so degrees actually mean something and people leave Uni and are immediately successful. Yes thats it.

How political. In other news, my Worcester Sauce Crisp campaign has received an olverwhelming response of two comments, and in light of the fact that I can no longer find Worcester Sauce wheat crunchies, I feel I must redouble my efforts. Why does the 21st century crisp eater have no time for the purple crisp? Too busy downloading rap music on his mp3pod no doubt. Bastard.

It also makes me wonder about other crisp flavours that have fallen by the wayside. For all I know, a flavour which I would have loved was withdrawn shortly before I became a crisp consumer. I must hunt down these rare crisps. Well, I will search for them on ebay.

Watch Garth Marenghi's Darkplace by the way, I insist. No, I really insist. Its unbelievably good.