Writing when drunk. Hazardous

Im a bit drunk, and previous literary ejaculations in such a state have led (lead?) to embarassing revelations about my private life and my inner thoughts. This entry will not be such an example.
I apologise to all jackblogfans for my temporary hiatus, this was due to lack of geographical promximity to the internet for five days, and a similar lack of proximity to my motivation for this hair brained venture. Tell me, why do most people do this? Just for shit and giggles? Cos I tell you, I'm not laughing. Almost an hour I have spent on all of these posts combined, and the promised PayPal donations and sycophantic comments I was promised have failed to materialise. Sure, the twenty people that have visited my blog (see hit counter for proof) may have left enriched, but how has the experience enriched me?
In this crazy world, is there a place for a man who simply loves to blog? I like the word blog. Blog blog blog.
Ta ra
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